
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Fail Blog FAILS!!!!

Can someone please explain to me WHY ON EARTH Failblog, one of my most favorite forms of procrastination ever, is asking me in two separate places: "do you have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis?"??? 

For the love of God, can I not escape this RA curse ANYWHERE?!?!?

Also, to add insult to injury, when I clicked on the stupid flashing Orincia banner (because I do, in fact, have moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis) it didn't even work!!! Talk about FAIL!!!

Apparently, there is no end to my frustration this week!!!! Grrr....

UPDATE: APL informs me that FailBlog's advertisements are generated by Google, and that they are targeted towards what Google knows about me. And seeing as Google owns Blogger (i.e. this blog) Google obviously knows that I have RA and that is why I am getting ads asking me if I have RA. I can't decide if that makes it better or worse...


  1. to this i say,

  2. I was just going to say it's generated by google :P till i read your update so now you already know!

  3. I still can't decide if the ad being targeted specifically at me makes me feel better or worse about it. Obviously I talk about RA on my blog A LOT. I mean, it IS the whole point of my blog.

    But this blog is just a small space in my life that I use to help me deal with my RA. In the rest of my life - which is most of my life - I try not to let RA define me.

  4. I vote "worse", or at least "more annoying."

  5. Imma go with worse. Now it won't go away. Though maybe I should go with better, seeing as any disincentive to procrastinate is useful around finals...hmmm....


Thanks so much for leaving a comment! I really appreciate the support and I love hearing from all of you! My blog is a forum for finding support and discussing life with RA so I will try to publish and respond to comments as soon as I can!

Unfortunately, I have been getting a lot of nonsense comments with spam links in them recently. This means that I have had to turn the comment moderation on. My blog is not a place for advertizing, so if your comment contains a spam link it will not be published. Please respect my blog.

Thank you.