
Thursday, June 24, 2010

My LAST Law School Class

Today was my very last law school class! Ever! Now there is only one 3-hour law exam standing between me and my J.D!!! And when I pass that exam next Friday, I will have earned my J.D. despite the fact that I got diagnosed with RA right in the middle of law school.

Because I'm a dual degree student I won't technically receive my J.D. until I also finish my Masters next December. But one thing is for sure:

I never have to go to a law school class again!!!!


  1. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! You kick so much ass!!!! Make sure to celebrate tonight!!!

  2. ROCK OUT (hereinafter, "Awesome x 5"). See Mariah ex rel. Mariah v. Law School Hell, 201 U.S. 84115 (2010).

    Yeah, I made that all up myself.

  3. Congratulations, Mariah. Law school is not easy, even if one does not have to deal with pain and fatigue. Way to go!

  4. Congratulations, Mariah. What a terrific achievement -- and a Master's on the way! You have every reason to be proud of yourself.

    Hope this finds you feeling well. Have a wonderful weekend.


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