
Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Satan's Tic Tacs

We just spent two weeks traveling, followed by two weeks moving into our new house. And let's just say that things have been a bit rough for me lately. So I finally gave in and called my rheumatologist for a short course of the drug I love to hate: prednisone (sigh).

But I was at least highly amused to see Rheumatoid Arthritis Guy post this picture on Facebook the other day. Satan's Tic Tacs indeed!! Thanks for the laugh!!


  1. Very timely post, as I just had to succumb to their lure, myself... My very active 2 year old is doing his best to destroy Nana's house while we house sit....

  2. I hate Predisone too and I have actually never used in five years. But I have had a flare-up that has lasted two miserable weeks and I am going to let my rheumy know at today's appointment that I need to those God awful tic-tacs. I hope you feel better soon. -Lana


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