Thursday, June 28, 2018

Arthritis Today: How has a loved one supported you?

I'm always happy to be able to contribute to Arthritis Today - this time I was especially thrilled to have the opportunity to share how much my own mom has helped me manage motherhood with RA. And it's always an honor to be featured alongside other amazing advocates - this time my friend Carla of Carla's Corner and Sheryl of A Chronic Voice

You can read the full piece here.
I'm also excited that the link to is featured in the magazine! Hopefully that will help direct more moms and moms-to-be living with arthritis to the site! I'm making good progress and hope to have the real resources launched very soon! Stay tuned!

Thursday, June 21, 2018

June Articles on Rheumatology Network

My assignments for Rheumatology Network include reporting on recent scientific studies about rheumatoid arthritis and other related diseases. Although these articles are intended primarily for a physician audience (and thus can get a bit technical and jargon-y) I know patients are also interested in scientific advances - so I still want to share links to these articles! But if you ever have additional questions, please don't hesitate to let me know!

Hyperuricemia remains the leading risk factor, but the runners-up may surprise you.