10 Tips to Tackle Rheumatoid Arthritis Joint Pain - on NewLifeOutlookRA
Ten practical tips for when you need to get your joint pain under control as quickly as possible.
What Does Pain Actually Look Like? - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
In a person who has dealt with pain every day for the last ten years, I’d expect pain to have much less of an impact on how they behave. Maybe you wouldn’t even be able to tell that they were visibly in pain at all?
How To Manage Rheumatoid Arthritis and Stress - on NewLifeOutlook RA
Being stressed seems to trigger an endless cycle: stress makes you feel crummy, which generates additional stress, which only makes you feel worse. For this reason, it is especially important that people living with RA have tools for dealing with stress.
– on RheumatoidArthritis.net
was tired of my joints hurting & making it hard to do everyday things. I
was tired of doctors…I was tired of blood tests. I was tired of experimenting
with medications …And, perhaps most of all, I was so very tired of being tired.
Learning to live with fatigue can be a long, complicated, & frustrating
"Supporting Fatigue" at the 2016 American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting - RheumatoidArthritis.net
While a 2004 study showed that 65% of patients prioritized fatigue, Dr. Hewlett pointed out that doctors too often focus on pain and ignore fatigue. This year a session focusing specifically on the issue of fatigue and how doctors can help their patients better manage it was hosted at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting.
"Supporting Fatigue" at the 2016 American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting - RheumatoidArthritis.net
While a 2004 study showed that 65% of patients prioritized fatigue, Dr. Hewlett pointed out that doctors too often focus on pain and ignore fatigue. This year a session focusing specifically on the issue of fatigue and how doctors can help their patients better manage it was hosted at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting.
Over-scheduled! –
on RheumatoidArthritis.net
chili cook-off. A movie in the park...All of these events are supposed to be
fun. But as I look at them stretching across every foreseeable weekend, I can’t
help but feel a sense of anxiety.
Sleep Problem – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
not technically a symptom of the disease, a lot of people with RA have trouble
with sleep. Some people have trouble falling asleep. Some people have trouble
staying asleep. Some people have trouble with both.
Invisible Burdens of Chronic Illness – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Most people do not realize that there are other burdens associated with living with a chronic illness – like the investment of time, energy, and money.
Most people do not realize that there are other burdens associated with living with a chronic illness – like the investment of time, energy, and money.
In The Middle – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
more I think about it, the more I realize that I belong to a demographic of
arthritis sufferers who receive less support, recognition, and resources than
they ought to.
Review: “Spiritual Two-By-Fours And Other Wake-Up Calls” By Kimberly Rooney –
on RheumatoidArthritis.net
book makes some great points about what you can learn by accepting your RA
diagnosis. She also provides prompts, or “dance steps,” that may help you
through your own personal journey.
Achieving a Big Goal When You Have A Chronic Illness - on Mango Health
Living with a chronic illness shouldn't mean you have to give up on goals that are important to you - whether it's an athletic milestone, a trip to your dream destination, or starting a family. Here's four tips to help you approach - and achieve - big goals.
Life With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Living Anatomy Lesson - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Life with rheumatoid arthritis can be a living anatomy lesson - and next time I think I’d rather take an anatomy class!!
Grocery Shopping and RA: How to Stay Pain-Free and Well Fed - on NewLifeOutlook RA
Tips for grocery shopping with RA.
Achieving a Big Goal When You Have A Chronic Illness - on Mango Health
Living with a chronic illness shouldn't mean you have to give up on goals that are important to you - whether it's an athletic milestone, a trip to your dream destination, or starting a family. Here's four tips to help you approach - and achieve - big goals.
Life With Rheumatoid Arthritis: A Living Anatomy Lesson - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Life with rheumatoid arthritis can be a living anatomy lesson - and next time I think I’d rather take an anatomy class!!
Grocery Shopping and RA: How to Stay Pain-Free and Well Fed - on NewLifeOutlook RA
Tips for grocery shopping with RA.
Emotional Impact
The Ups & Downs of Chronic Illness - And How I Learned To Embrace The "Ups" - on Mango Health
Life is full of highs and lows. But when you’re living with a chronic illness, the “down days” can be much lower than you expected. Knowing this, how can you enjoy the positive moments when there’s an inevitable low point in your future?
The Ups & Downs of Chronic Illness - And How I Learned To Embrace The "Ups" - on Mango Health
Life is full of highs and lows. But when you’re living with a chronic illness, the “down days” can be much lower than you expected. Knowing this, how can you enjoy the positive moments when there’s an inevitable low point in your future?
is Everything – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
used to be a busy, fast-paced, crazy overachiever. After being diagnosed with
RA, I suddenly found myself in a body that wasn't capable of that lifestyle. It
was then that I decided to reevaluate my life, my choices, and my priorities. I
decided to try to keep looking forward, take one day at a time, and figure out
what would actually make me happy.
Pain of Invisibility – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
been thinking quite a lot lately about the “invisible” aspect of life with RA.
How do you make someone realize how much pain you are in when there are no
visual signs of your pain? Is it possible to help someone understand your
severe fatigue even if you are able to keep going through your day?
Catch-22 –
on RheumatoidArthritis.net
sure I'm not the only person living with RA who has experienced catch-22
situations, where I feel trapped by a paradoxical set of circumstances and
forced to make a decision where it feels like I lose either way. I've been
faced with dozens of these decisions over the past five years.
Illness & Handicapped Parking – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
seems to be an expectation that people should be able to tell whether you
“deserve” to park in a handicapped spot just by looking at you.
Parking Without a Placard – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
know what's terrible? When people without handicapped placards think it’s ok to
park in a handicapped spot for their own convenience.
Self Esteem
Impact of RA on Self-Esteem – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
changes can have a psychological impact, decreasing confidence/self-esteem.
This article provides coping tips.
the Beauty in Bruises – on
bruises, while certainly not pretty, are very visual representation of the
battle I am fighting for my health every single day.
Men &
May – A Man’s Story of Understanding and Healing –
on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Nearly three times more women have RA than men....but there are still almost half a million men living with RA in the United States.
Nearly three times more women have RA than men....but there are still almost half a million men living with RA in the United States.
Masculinity, and RA" at the 2015 American College of Rheumatology Annual
Meeting – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
An oft-repeated statistic is that there are three times more women than men with RA. Nevertheless, there are still almost half a million men living with RA in the U.S. alone.
An oft-repeated statistic is that there are three times more women than men with RA. Nevertheless, there are still almost half a million men living with RA in the U.S. alone.
for Help
– on RheumatoidArthritis.net
does still feel weird to pay for help. Sometimes I feel like a “good mother”
would be able to do all of this herself. But you know what? That’s nonsense.
Fitness for Fatigue - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
We’ve all heard it over and over (and over and over) again: it’s so important for people living with RA to exercise. Physical fitness can be extremely useful in managing many of the symptoms that come with RA, including fatigue. But does anyone else think this advice is easier to hear than actually follow?
Fitness for Fatigue - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
We’ve all heard it over and over (and over and over) again: it’s so important for people living with RA to exercise. Physical fitness can be extremely useful in managing many of the symptoms that come with RA, including fatigue. But does anyone else think this advice is easier to hear than actually follow?
Your Body – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
a strange way, I think my RA pain has taught me just how amazing my body really
is. Please don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that I want this pain or that it
is easy to deal with it…but what I am saying is that instead of getting upset
and angry at my body for all of the pain, I now try to be more grateful for all
the things I can do and any day that I am able to spend without pain, or even
with less pain.
& Me
– on RheumatoidArthritis.net
know that physical therapy techniques have done a world of good for some
people. I also know that I won’t be able to tell if they will help me unless I
try them. Do you have any advice for improving the experience?
Heart and the Mountain – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
RA-related limitations with the desire to live life to the fullest can be
tricky, but sometimes the aftermath of an adventure is worth it.
Yoga For Arthritis - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
While I know that yoga is meant to be a gentle form of exercise that can also reduce stress, I find it sort of intimidating considering, I live with RA. Could my sore joints really get into that pretzel-like pose?
Yoga For Arthritis - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
While I know that yoga is meant to be a gentle form of exercise that can also reduce stress, I find it sort of intimidating considering, I live with RA. Could my sore joints really get into that pretzel-like pose?
& Family
Least It’s Not Cancer” – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
least it’s not cancer.” On the one hand, I wholeheartedly agree. On the other
hand, I think comments like these unfairly downplay the seriousness of RA &
other autoimmune diseases.
Power of Chemo – on
hearing I had to take a chemo drug, my friends almost universally reacted as if
my RA was much more serious.
Miracle Cure! – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
didn’t want to hear about my experiences or share her personal experiences with
arthritis. Nope. Instead she wanted to offer me the miracle cure. Have you ever
been offered “the miracle cure”? How did you respond?
Vaccinations Affect My Family – on RheumatoidArthritis.net
been reluctant to write about such a hot button topic, but it's also an issue
that is extremely relevant to the members of this community. So I’m going to go
ahead and discuss it: vaccinations.
Chronic Christmas: Surviving the Holidays With A Chronic Illness - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Book review of an Advent calendar of tips for a sane holiday season for those living with chronic conditions.
The Benefits of Advocacy - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
I've seen the benefits of advocacy first hand. Not only did I help pass a law that will help all patients in the state of Colorado, I also helped myself keep moving forward with a feeling of optimistic purpose.
Join The Movement - Fight to Address Key Policy Issues - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
When it comes to healthcare policy, patients are experts because they have first-hand experience of what it is like to live with chronic illness. Taking part in advocacy efforts can be as simple as sending an email.
Making Biologic Medications Accessible And Affordable - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
The Patients' Access to Treatment Act is legislation that makes medications more accessible and affordable.
Biosimilars & Patient Notification - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Biosimilars give patients like me hope. If I run out of options for traditional biologics, I may be able to turn to a biosimilar once they are approved.
Increasing Access to Pediatric Rheumatologists - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
There are 300,000 kids in the US growing up with JA - but only 250 board-certified pediatric rheumatologist to care for all of them.
Promoting Arthritis Research at the Department of Defense - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Arthritis has a major impact on our nation's fighters, veterans, and their families.
What Can We Learn From The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Given that everybody views things from their own perspective, I find myself wondering what the arthritis community might be able to learn from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
Fundraising & Awareness
The First-Ever Rheumatoid Diseases Awareness Month - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
September 2016 marks the very first Rheumatic Diseases Awareness Month, created by the American College of Rheumatology.
The Arthritis Foundation's California Coast Classic - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Three hundred cyclists with a shared goal - to raise awareness and funds to support people living with arthritis.
May is Arthritis Awareness Month - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
In May, try to educate someone about the true facts of life with arthritis!
Kids Get Arthritis Too! July is Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Arthritis is not just a geriatric disease. July is Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month!
World Arthritis Day 2014 (and World Arthritis Day 2013) - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Did you know that October 12th is World Arthritis Day?
Chronic Christmas: Surviving the Holidays With A Chronic Illness - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Book review of an Advent calendar of tips for a sane holiday season for those living with chronic conditions.
The Benefits of Advocacy - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
I've seen the benefits of advocacy first hand. Not only did I help pass a law that will help all patients in the state of Colorado, I also helped myself keep moving forward with a feeling of optimistic purpose.
Join The Movement - Fight to Address Key Policy Issues - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
When it comes to healthcare policy, patients are experts because they have first-hand experience of what it is like to live with chronic illness. Taking part in advocacy efforts can be as simple as sending an email.
Making Biologic Medications Accessible And Affordable - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
The Patients' Access to Treatment Act is legislation that makes medications more accessible and affordable.
Biosimilars & Patient Notification - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Biosimilars give patients like me hope. If I run out of options for traditional biologics, I may be able to turn to a biosimilar once they are approved.
Increasing Access to Pediatric Rheumatologists - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
There are 300,000 kids in the US growing up with JA - but only 250 board-certified pediatric rheumatologist to care for all of them.
Promoting Arthritis Research at the Department of Defense - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Arthritis has a major impact on our nation's fighters, veterans, and their families.
What Can We Learn From The ALS Ice Bucket Challenge? - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Given that everybody views things from their own perspective, I find myself wondering what the arthritis community might be able to learn from the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge.
Fundraising & Awareness
The First-Ever Rheumatoid Diseases Awareness Month - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
September 2016 marks the very first Rheumatic Diseases Awareness Month, created by the American College of Rheumatology.
The Arthritis Foundation's California Coast Classic - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Three hundred cyclists with a shared goal - to raise awareness and funds to support people living with arthritis.
May is Arthritis Awareness Month - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
In May, try to educate someone about the true facts of life with arthritis!
Kids Get Arthritis Too! July is Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Arthritis is not just a geriatric disease. July is Juvenile Arthritis Awareness Month!
World Arthritis Day 2014 (and World Arthritis Day 2013) - on RheumatoidArthritis.net
Did you know that October 12th is World Arthritis Day?
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