This page contains a list of the health-related conferences, summits, meetings, advisory boards, and web events I have attended or participated in, with my most recent one at the top.
December 2020: RealTalk Summit, sponsored by Pfizer, virtual
November 2020: American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting, virtual
April 2019: HealteVoices 2019; Dallas, TX
October 2018: Lilly Global Patient Advisory Board; New York, NY
September 2018: Arthritis Foundation Regional Annual Meeting; Denver, CO
April 2018: HealtheVoices 2018; attended conference and spoke at Impact Fund session in Chicago, Illinois
April 2018: Lilly Patient Advisory Board; provided insight at a meeting in Austin, Texas
November 2017: Arthritis Foundation Strategy & Impact Committee Meeting and Conference of Champions; Phoenix, AZ
November 2017: American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting; attended three days of the ACR annual meeting in San Diego, CA
September 2017: Pfizer ReAl Talk Summit; attended summit of RA bloggers in New York, NY
July 2017: Lilly Virtual Patient Advisory Board; provided insight at a virtual meeting
June 2017: Janssen Focus Group; provided insight at a virtual meeting
June 2017: Janssen Advisory Board; provided insight at a virtual meeting
June 2017: Roche-Genentch Patient Advisory Board; provided insight at a meeting in Dallas, Texas
May 2017: Pfizer RA Patient Global Advisory Board; RA patients, nurses, and rheumatologists discussed sexual and reproductive health concerns in women with RA in New York, New York
March 2017: Health Union Connexcion; met with fellow contributors and moderators at Health Union in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
March 2017: Arthritis Foundation Advocacy Summit; attended conference and spoke at meetings with the staff of my Senators
and Congresspeople with the Arthritis Foundation in Washington, D.C.
March 2017: Arthritis Foundation Strategy & Impact Committee Meeting; provided input as a member of the Committee in Washington, D.C.
March 2017: Lilly Patient Steering Advisory Board; provided insight at a meeting in Dallas, Texas
January 2017: Janssen Immunology R&D Team Meeting; served on panel providing patient insight in San Diego, CA
November 2016: American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting; attended three days of the ACR annual meeting in Washington, D.C.
November 2016: Arthritis Foundation Conference of Champions; attended Arthritis Foundation annual meeting in Denver, Colorado
October 2016: The PMRG Institute Research RoundTable; presented
with Stephanie Huston of Health Union - "Relationships to Results: The
Role of Community in Research" in Cherry Hill, NJ
October 2016: Joint Decisions Empowerment Summit; attended the three day summit of RA bloggers sponsored by Janssen in Philadelphia, PA
August 2016: Arthritis Foundation Juvenile Arthritis Conference East; attended and spoke at conference for children and youth living with JA in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
July 2016: Arthritis Foundation Juvenile Arthritis Conference West; attended and spoke at conference for children and youth living with JA in Phoenix, Arizona
May 2016: Lilly Advisory Board; provided insight on new product in Indianapolis, Indiana
April 2016: Janssen Advisory Board; provided insight on new product in Chicago, Illinois
April 2016: HealtheVoices Conference; attended the two day conference of health bloggers sponsored by Janssen in Chicago, Illinois
January 2016: Real Talk Summit; attended a summit of RA bloggers sponsored by Pfizer in New York, New York.
November 2015: American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting; attended three days of the ACR annual meeting in San Francisco, California.
November 2015: Joint Decisions Empowerment Summit; attended the three day summit of RA bloggers sponsored by Janssen in Sausilito, California.
April 2015: SB71 Signing Ceremony; attended the ceremony where Gov. Hickenlooper signed SB71 into law in Denver, Colorado.
April 2015: HealtheVoices Conference; attended the two day conference of health bloggers sponsored by Janssen in Jersey City, New Jersey.
March 2015: Colorado House Health, Insurance and Environment Committee meeting; testified at the Committee meeting in favor of passage of SB71 in Denver, Colorado.
March 2015: Colorado Capitol meetings;
informal meetings with six members of the House Health, Insurance and
Environment Committee to speak about passing SB71 in Denver, Colorado.
February 2014: Colorado Senate Health & Human Services Committee meeting; testified at the Committee meeting in favor of passage of SB71 in Denver, Colorado.
November 2014: American College of Rheumatology Annual Meeting; attended one day of the ACR annual meeting in Boston, Massachusetts.
November 2014: Joint Decisions Empowerment Summit; attended the two day summit of RA bloggers sponsored by Janssen in Boston, Massachusetts.
March 2014: Arthritis Foundation Advocacy Summit;
attended conference and spoke at meetings with the staff of my Senators
and Congresspeople with the Arthritis Foundation in Washington, D.C.
September 2011: Arthritis Foundation Advocacy Training; attended a training session on advocacy skills at the Arthritis Foundation in Denver, Colorado.
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