Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Needed: Bachelorette Party, Stat

When I have a bad day, it really gets me thinking about my support system. Unfortunately, the conclusion that I have come to is that my support system here in Boulder just isn't enough. Poor APL and River have done everything they can think of cheer me up and get me feeling better, but sometimes I think they both need a break from me. Or at least some help.

I honestly wish I had some more friends - particularly girlfriends - here in Boulder. But what they don't tell you about being a grown-up is that making friends is actually really hard. Especially when you can't quite do things people your age consider fun - concerts, bars, parties - without feeling like a grandma who is too tired and achy and wants to go to bed at 8:15pm. To make friends you have to be a fun person that people want to be around. No one wants to hang out with 26-year-old grandma on the weekends.

Don't get me wrong - I have girlfriends who I know love and support me. The problem is that they are scattered all over the country and I hardly ever get to see them. Or even talk to them, for that matter. I wish I could just have one weekend with them to recharge my spirits - some ice cream, girly movies, pedicures, time to talk...

This leads me to the conclusion that it's pretty stupid that you only get to have all your girlfriends together for a big fun weekend after you get engaged. I mean, to be fair, I am a bachelorette RIGHT NOW! So why can't I have a girls' weekend now?

I could really use it.


Sarah Z said...

i joined a book club and i really enjoy it! maybe you could find something like that? the only moving involved is sitting and sipping lattes.

~Mariah~ said...

That's a good idea, thanks. Maybe when this conference is over I will look into something like that. How did you find yours?

~kelly marie~ said...

I know I haven't been leaving many comments, but soon you will get too many!

I just wanted to let you know that this sounds like a wonderful idea! I would be totally in! (I am completely serious, too!)

I want you to know that I've been thinking of you and am sending you big hugs!

~Mariah~ said...

Thanks, Kelly. Hopefully I can see you over Thanksgiving - APL and I will be in LA for a whole week if you'll be around...

A said...

Um seriously, where do you want to go? You said spa... I could totally be down for this.

A said...

And yes, I do want all follow-up comments. :)

Little Red said...

Dude. A and I would absolutely go to your faux-bachelorette party. I'll even buy phallic hats and things. :-)

Sarah Z said...

my book club is with friends of a friend... but i bet you could find on easily on meet-up.com!

~Mariah~ said...

Dude...a spa AND phallic hats for no apparent reason? You girls spoil me. ~;o)

I miss you all. So much.

Rebecca said...

Sign me up for all of the above. Long weekend? When can we do this?

J said...

I vote for a long weekend at a park. They tend to have things like spas, and you can add to your national parks passport! (<--nerd reference) Meeting new people is VERY hard. I just joined an adult kickball league here in Birmingham. A book club would be an amazing option as well.