WEGO Health TV works to create videos containing advice and information from bloggers and other online community leaders about various health issues. Recently they contacted me and requested that I contribute to their new Rheumatoid Arthritis channel. So I did!
I have to admit, especially considering how easy it has become for me to write honestly about my RA on this blog, I was surprised at how difficult I found it to talk about my RA in front of a camera. But I think it is good to challenge yourself once and a while, and now I have been featured in two videos on their RA channel.
I was going to embed the videos in this post, but I didn't like the way they played automatically (rather than giving you the option to press play). So, if you'd like to see the videos, please use the following links:
(1) School and Work with RA
(2) Staying Active with Rheumatoid Arthritis
I was going to embed the videos in this post, but I didn't like the way they played automatically (rather than giving you the option to press play). So, if you'd like to see the videos, please use the following links:
(1) School and Work with RA
(2) Staying Active with Rheumatoid Arthritis
I am very proud of you.
I was asked to videos for them too! I totally feel the same way...it's so easy to write on my site, but it took me like 8 tries to get a video recorded! I kept stumbling over my words and getting tongue tied. Plus, I sent the video several times and they couldn't get it to work. Found out what the problem was and now they want me to record a video about trying to get prego. I'm scared! lol Like you said though, it's a good challenge. Glad to see you on there!
Congratulations on making it in the big time! ;-)
... but maybe more importantly, three cheers for helping to get the message out. I'm proud of you, cuz!
Good for you Yiah Yiah! Love you!
UNKNOWN: Thanks, Mama. ~;o)
CHRISTINA: I'm afraid I might be partly to blame for that request! I suggested to them that pregnancy and RA might be a good topic because there are so few resources out there on the subject. But it didn't occur to me how difficult it might be to talk about it on a video! I had a hard enough time talking about school and exercise!
MOM2LITTLEMISS: Thanks. ~;o)
SARAH Z: Also thanks. ~;o)
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