Friday, January 20, 2012

Pre-Cancerous Spot

Remember that spot on my face that I mentioned? You can actually see it in this picture, right by my ear (plus, just for fun, my baby bump!) It doesn't look like much. But I just got the biopsy results back: it was pre-cancerous. 

It's not melanoma and it's not cancer - yet. It was apparently a spot that could become cancerous if not treated. They think they scraped it all off with the sample, but I'll go back in a month to be sure. I'm supposed to keep an eye on it, make sure it's healing, and call back right away if I notice any changes. It's really good news that it is not something scary, but even better that I went to get it checked out. So many thanks to my little sister, who was the one who told me I should get it looked at in the first place!!

In the meantime, I'm sort of afraid to announce it out loud, but I've actually been feeling pretty good lately. I'm stilling thinking about that R-word....


Deb aka AbcsOfra said...

Enbrel has been linked to skin cancer. Just FYI. You may want to check their site for more info. because if I recall correctly you were taking Enbrel before you became pregnant. But my mind might be failing me. Just wanted you to be aware of this given the pre-cancerous state of the skin. If after your pregnancy you have to go back on TNF's this should be a big consideration in my humble opinion. Be sure you mention this to your ra doc. And keeping you in my prayers that all goes well for you!

Stephanie Kay said...

If they got it all, then it was probably basal cell cancer NOT melanoma. Melanoma spreads throughout your body. Basal cell is localized and just slowly grows. There are no conclusive studies linking Enbrel to skin cancer. I had basal cell skin cancer removed from my forehead after my 4th baby was born. My rheumy is VERY conservative about these things and she feels comfortable with me staying on Enbrel. I'm extremely fair, blue eyes, freckles, a family history of various skin cancers, and grew up down South before everyone knew you needed to bathe in sunblock. The alternative to not taking a biologic makes me very comfortable with the risk. :)

~Mariah~ said...

Thanks so much for the thoughts, ladies. I am always very careful to keep all my doctors in the loop about what's going on with my body and I discuss the risks carefully with each of them before I make decisions concerning my treatment.

Mandy said...

You look great! Cute lil bump. Glad they think they removed everything.

~Mariah~ said...

MANDY: Thanks! ~;o)

Sarah Z said...

yea get that off your face!!!! :-) <3

Helen said...

So glad you got it checked out early! And, so much fun to see a picture of the bump. :) You're looking great!

~Mariah~ said...

SARAH Z: For reals. ~:o)

HELEN: I'm glad I got it checked out too. ~;o)

Christina said...

Glad everything turned out okay. My aunt has had a few freckles removed that were melanoma and it's not something to mess around with. Love the munchkin bump! :)

~Mariah~ said...

CHRISTINA: Thanks. And you're right - not something to mess around with. When I go back for my follow-up they're going to do a full body check, just in case.