Yesterday we went down to Denver to volunteer at JA Family Day like we did last year. Though, to be fair, this year APL did most of the volunteering, while I mostly walked around talking to people with OZL strapped to my chest!! Since I didn't get to go to camp this year, it had been a long time since I had seen most of those kids - I could not believe how much they had all grown!
While the parents of the JA kids went to seminars to learn more about their kids' conditions and how to help them, we just got to have fun. First we played some silly Minute To Win It games, which got everyone laughing. Then all the kids (and APL) got to go swimming. And then it was time for lunch. During lunch I had OZL on a blanket on the floor, and he gained himself quite a fan club with the little girls!
After lunch we made rocket cars with diet cokes and mentos. It was messy hilarious fun and the kids had a blast! And OZL was such a little trooper through the whole thing, which was awesome. I'm so glad we could contribute again this year.
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