Friday, June 24, 2011

Things I Love About My HUSBAND ~;o)

In the post about our wedding, I mentioned that APL gave me a gorgeous turquoise necklace for my wedding present. For my wedding present to APL, I gave him a journal that I had been keeping for the entire year before our wedding. Every day I would write down one reason that I loved him and wanted to marry him, and the night before our wedding I gave him the book with 365 reasons.

Before I gave him the book, I read through it again myself and was surprised to discover how many of the entries related to helping me deal with my RA. APL deserves more credit than I can say for keeping me going and always keeping my spirits up over the past three years

With his permission, I wanted to share just a few of those entries:
13: You know that going to the doctor sometimes overwhelms me, so today you left work early to go with me.

45: You insisted that I take the seat on the airplane with more legroom.

71: You take care of pharmacy mix-ups when I can't deal with it.

94: You help me deal with health insurance nightmares.

95: Despite your fear of needles, you are always willing to help me with my shots.

102: You hold me up when I want to fall down.

131: You help me when I feel disappointed about being tired and achy.

170: The doctor said I was iron deficient, so you made me a nice steak for dinner.

217: I got really bad cramps in my legs tonight so you carried me to the hot tub.

221: Today I was feeling achy so you ran me a bath and read to me while I soaked.

306: If I have to limp to keep moving, you always walk slower and hold my hand.
I am so extremely lucky to have such an amazing man as my husband.


Deb aka AbcsOfra said...

He is a keeper! Yes you are lucky and I am sure he knows it. The journal was such a thoughtful gift!

Melissa said...

That's so sweet. :) My husband is so great about things too. He'll tell me to go lay down when he can tell I'm exhausted & sore and he is so good about cleaning the apartment when I can't. We sure are lucky.

~Mariah~ said...

DEB: I think he's a keeper too. ~;o)

MELISSA: We certainly are extremely lucky to have someone we can depend on to help us. Make sure he knows how much you appreciate it!