I recently started reading a blog called "Struck at 21 with RA; Coping With It," written by Skye who is, obviously, a 21-year-old who has recently been diagnosed with RA (and also Sjögren’s Syndrome). It's been quite interesting for me to read about what she's been going through, not only to remember some of the feelings I went through when I was first diagnosed myself, but also to get the perspective of another young person dealing with RA, as most of the people I know with RA are a bit older than me.
I was only 25 when I was diagnosed, it's been a year and a half since then, and sometimes I still feel overwhelmed about figuring out how to live the rest of my life with RA. Sometimes I wish I had gotten a chance to live more of my life without having to deal with this. I can only imagine it being even more difficult to be diagnosed four years younger, but Skye has shown a lot of courage in dealing with the changes life is throwing at her.
I've added Struck at 21 with RA; Coping With It to the RA resources on my blog and I will be following it from this point forward!
I read some of her blog. It is so hard when you are young. Mine started at 22, so it is kind of surreal to look back with her, and also realize it's been 8 years. Blows my mind!
<3 Thanks, I'm very glad that younger woman can read my blog and get something good out of it. I love all the new people I have met so far who have given me helpful and encouraging comments including you. :) we will all stick together and make it through RA, I enjoy talking to others who know exactly how I'm feeling.
Skye - I know I myself have been guilty of offering you unsolicited advice, so here's a bit more: remember that the only one who really knows your RA is you, so only take the advice that makes sense!! And keep blogging!!
Wait a minute here.... are you calling me "old" ??! Just wait till you get to be 33 -- paybacks are a... well, you know :-P
I never said old!! I said "a bit older" ~;o) And how old will YOU be when I'm 33? Hate to tell you, I think I always win this battle! ~;o)
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