I am so very behind in updating this blog! We have had visitors, gone camping, had more visitors, and we just returned from a weekend in New York yesterday. And did I mention we did all of this with a one-year-old?!?! Needless to say it has been crazy busy around here lately. And though my body appears to have arrived back in Colorado, I think my brain may still be somewhere in New York. When I locate this "lost luggage" I promise to get some updates posted soon!
In the meantime, I was recently interviewed about planning a wedding with RA for an article at Everyday Health. While I don't think I agree with all of the advice in the article (and honestly I don't think the author did a very good job ironing out conflicting advice) I still thought I would share the article with all of you.
What do you think? Is the advice useful? What advice would you give to someone planning a wedding with RA?
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