I don't know if I've ever mentioned it on this blog before, but I hate when doctors ask me to "rate my pain on a scale of 1 to 10." I hate it even more when they give you that little chart of faces to use as a reference point. Umm....I feel most like sad face number 6? Except sad face number 6 looks constipated.
Since I live with pain every single day, I think pain that someone else might describe as a 9 or 10, because it is so unusual to them, might only be a 6 or 7 to be because I'm so used to dealing with pain. But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. And, just because I'm trying to be optimistic and smile and joke and not be miserable about this pain-causing disease that will be with me for the rest of my life doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.
However, if you tell the doctor that your pain is only at a 6 or 7, they basically ignore you (at least in my experience. Oh, and also supported by research in the New York Times.) But then if you tell the doctor your pain is a 9 or 10 to get them to take you seriously, but you're so experienced with dealing with pain that you're not rolling on the floor sobbing, they don't believe you either. Awesome. Hence, I hate that 1 to 10 scale. As long as me picking a number is going to result in you having no idea how much pain I'm in anyways, I'm just not doing it.
In any event, aside from complaining about the 1 to 10 scale for no apparent reason, the point of this post is to share something hilarious a friend sent me. Here is a link to a blog called Hyperbole and a Half. The blogger, Allie, has re-drawn the sad face pain scale to be more representative of reality.
I may print it out and take it with me next time I have to go to the doctor for unusual pain. No, really.
OMG!!! I got a really big laugh out of that chart. I think i will print it out and post it on the wall in our computer room. I love it! Thanks for linking to it!!
I sent you that fully intending that you print it out and bring it with you to the doctor's. The offensive language notwithstanding.
That chart is waaaaaaaaaay better than the other stupid one!!!!! Definitely bring it to the doctor next time!! I'm going to do the same! :) L
I have a theory that pain is always a ten to the person experience. Hello, why on earth else would you be in the dr's office or the ER? That's not to diminish your pain, but to say that if you're saying you're in pain, a doctor should believe you, and care!
Here's something to make the pain chart a little more funny next time you are in:
EMILY: Beware the rest of her blog - I spent an hour and a half reading it yesterday instead of working on a research paper....
LAUREN: I am seriously considering it.
LAURIE: You should seriously consider it. ~;o)
A: That is a good theory - pretty much explains why I hate that stupid 1 to 10 scale to begin with. I am in pain A LOT so I don't ask for help with the pain unless I NEED it. Maybe I've got to start visiting one of the many doctors in your family - I bet they are all much more understanding!
KELLY MARIE: Hahahahah!! LOVE Scrubs!! Though i haven't yet watched the new version without JD. I heard it isn't very good....
Arg - I hate the pain scale, too. It's not even close to accurate. Love that other chart, though!
I'm seriously taking that modified pain scale from Hyperbole and taking it with me when I finally do get in to see the Rheumatologist. Awesome.
MELISSA: DO IT! That pain scale is THE WORST. I pretty much refuse to answer anyone who asks me to put an arbitrary number on my pain - how pointless is that?
In the meantime, if you're ever looking for a laugh, Hyperbole is the place to get it!! That girl is HILARIOUS!
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